Of all the natural forces of wind and 'the most' enigmatic. The heat and light sources have seen, the difference between sun and shade and 'obvious ... You can 'pay them much attention or ignoring them. Instead, the wind and 'different. Meanwhile, and 'invisible. Can 'get sneak out of nowhere and tickle behind the neck or it can' thrown lying face down. It has no form of its own, it 'size, they' smell it 'taste it' sound. All his properties' are borrowed, all our experience of it comes to us second hand. The wind and 'elusive, mobile, fugitive, hard to define - and impossible to ignore. Our relationship with it and 'that of a pawn on a chessboard, which has faced a bishop on square confined blacks. On the dark diagonals are directly vulnerable, but also on the white squares that force has an influence through the mediation of the other pieces. We are never free its pressure, which controls our mental aatmosferico time and formed many of our minds and our lives.
(Lyall Watson's book wind )
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