Sunday, May 25, 2008

Poptropica How To Become A Police Officer

The Placito Capuano

The Placito Capuano, dating to 960 AD is commonly considered the birth of 'vulgar Italian. It is part of a group of verbal procedural recorded between 960 and 963 concerning the dispute related to the possession of lands, including the Benedictine Abbey of Monte Cassino and the landowner Rodelgrimo Aquinas. What makes this particular document is the intent with which the vernacular is used. The testimony in favor of the Benedictines in fact is not recorded in Latin or vernacular containing errors than normal, but in a new language and self, which for the first time has the necessary dignity to appear in a document.

Here's what the part written in the vernacular in the Latin text:

'Sao ko Kelle land for this purpose Kelle ki contain thirty years the part Possetto sancti Benedict. "

(Capua, March 960)

" I know that those lands within those boundaries that are described here, trnt'anni kept them in possession of the asset management of St. Benedict "


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