Sunday, May 25, 2008

Poptropica How To Become A Police Officer

The Placito Capuano

The Placito Capuano, dating to 960 AD is commonly considered the birth of 'vulgar Italian. It is part of a group of verbal procedural recorded between 960 and 963 concerning the dispute related to the possession of lands, including the Benedictine Abbey of Monte Cassino and the landowner Rodelgrimo Aquinas. What makes this particular document is the intent with which the vernacular is used. The testimony in favor of the Benedictines in fact is not recorded in Latin or vernacular containing errors than normal, but in a new language and self, which for the first time has the necessary dignity to appear in a document.

Here's what the part written in the vernacular in the Latin text:

'Sao ko Kelle land for this purpose Kelle ki contain thirty years the part Possetto sancti Benedict. "

(Capua, March 960)

" I know that those lands within those boundaries that are described here, trnt'anni kept them in possession of the asset management of St. Benedict "

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Tablets To Dye The Stool

The inclusion of St. Clement


Fili de le pute, traite!
Gosmari, Albertel, traite! Article
Falite backside post, Carvoncelle!
Sanctus Clemens
Duritia (m) Vestri cordis (s)
saxa traere meruistis.

Motherfuckers, pull!
Gosmario, Alberto, pull!
Fa 'with the lever behind the pole, Carboncella!

San Clemente
For your hardness of heart
meritaste tow stones.

This inscription, visible in underground chapel of St. Clement in Rome dates from the eleventh century AD and is one of the oldest evidence of vulgar Italian. Semba almost a comic as it is structured and the comedy scene, telling: the saint miraculously saved by the capture of three servants who are trying to stop the will of their master, the pagan Sisinnio. The servants are convinced that he tied the holy, but try to carry a heavy column, thus provoking the ire of the master who takes you to swear. It's funny to note the inflection Roman already present in a certificate so old, but actually, in many documents of the sources are found traits still present in dialects. Of course, at the time of our membership and for a long time, the literary language was classical Latin which expresses Clement (albeit with some errors than normal). Instead Sisinnio to the servants in the vernacular, this shows that in this literary language was still perceived as "low" and only fit to return to low level cultural dialogues. At the base of Italian today there is the classical Latin, but the Vulgar Latin that is what actually spoken by people in everyday life. This is of course not only for the Italian but all the Romance languages. In fact there is no one vulgar Latin, but many variations determined by time, space, and also by social and cultural level of the speakers. Obviously, not being able to rely on literary sources themselves, historians can reconstruct it only marginally. The documents used for this purpose are the private inscriptions such as graffiti at Pompeii, the testimonies of grammar such as' Honest Appendix, some formulas in the text of the oath as the procedural Placito Capuano (960 AD), considered the act of Birth of Italian. Also compare the various Romance languages \u200b\u200bcan be very useful in trying to restore at least partially a form that can not be fully documented

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Ladybug Carpet For Room


Dear readers, today I want to tell
an ancient history and forgotten, a story "buried" or covered up if we were "paranoid" and I think there are those who manipulate information to convey a vision of reality rather than a 'other.
history, but still feel its effects.
Once upon a time the unification of Italy, there was a "ruling class" that was supposed to handle this change in the best way.
The ruling class took care of many issues, such as "convince" those who were a bit 'skeptical or equip the country to address the process of industrialization that had already begun in the rest of the world.
respect to the latter problem, the ruling class had an interesting idea and revolutionary as the "North" of Italy had already started this process and as the ruling class was in the north (but this is just a detail) , thought well of "borrowing" the equipment, raw materials, labor and all that is so needed by the "south". Churches lent to those lands that were "attached" to the fantasy kingdom of Italy for making it. Lands that were maybe not cutting edge, but still boasted a local development. There and then the "southern" We were a bit 'wrong, do not expect it.
They answered so many hopes in the unit of Italy: they thought that the Savoy would have dealt with the agrarian reform, they thought, albeit a bit 'of suspicion that this could become an opportunity for growth for their lives.
And instead ........
....................... the story continues ..........
................................................. ................ until today.

PS: ... ... ... .. there is no "north" without the "south" and vice versa ............ because it is thanks to "south Bossi has invented the League" North ".

PPS: It 's true that the trash in Naples, pizza is the Northern League is a local phenomenon that affects only those in the north?

PPPS: And you say that the cardinal point are you?!?

Happy reading, Barbara

NDR: Here's some reading to support this "anti-historical"
http://www. / articles.php? lng = en & pg = 310