BREEDS OF DOGS 5 (Spitz and primitive types)
Ainu-Ken - Hokkaido
Akita Inu:
Alaskan Malamute:
Canaan Dog
Dog Karelian Bear:
Mexican hairless dog :
Peruvian hairless dog:
Chow Chow:
Cirneco of Etna:
Finnish Spitz:
Great Japanese Dog:
Groenlandese :
Iceland Sheepdog :
Japanese Spitz :
Kai Dog :
Korea Jindo Dog :
Laika della Siberia Occidentale :
Laika della Siberia Orientale :
Laika Russo-European:
Norsk Buhund:
Norsk Elghund gray:
Norsk Elghund black
Norsk Lundehund:
Pharaon Hound:
Podenco Canario:
Podenco Ibicenco by the cut:
Podenco Ibicenco to the stern:
Podengo Portuguese by the hard, big:
Podengo Portuguese at the Liscio, big:
Podengo Portuguese by the hard, medium:
Podengo Portuguese at the Liscio, average:
Podengo Portuguese by the hard, piccolo:
Podengo Portuguese at the Liscio, piccolo:
Shiba Inu:
Siberian Husky:
American Miniature Spitz:
Spitz American Standard:
Spitz (American Eskimo) Toy:
German Spitz Giant
Great German Spitz:
German Spitz Medium:
German Spitz Small:
German Spitz Nano
Swedish Lapphund:
Swedish Vallhund:
Taiwan Dog
Thai Ridgeback Dog:
Volpino Italian:
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