I welcome to all who have ventured by choice or by chance Blog home focum.
Blog, by chance, as a joke, for astral strange coincidences, because someone had lost a bet ... ... .... Or simply the desire to express themselves, to speak with the "world" with the indispensable student spirit that distinguishes us. It seemed only right
inaugurate this virtual space with some considerations relating to the "choice" of the name "focu my house."
This name I believe was chosen to "fool" myself, that calabrese doc emigrated never misses a chance to season, mix his talks with the catch type focu my dialect, mancu them dogs, fijioli etc., as if the world was somehow a bit 'Calabrese and could understand their meaning, or as if these interlayers were natural and necessary to the continuation of one's thoughts, than any words, as if those catch the same speech without being devoid of meaning, of consistency.
So a little 'joke a bit' habit is to think of this name for our blog.
focu The expression can be translated in my "Oh my god!" "Alas," compared to situations, events perceived as potentially dangerous.
The interesting aspect of this expression is that the size of the disaster, the tragedy of trouble ahead is identified with the very real dimension of the fire.
But because the choice of fire?
The evocation of the fire was in fact created by the centuries-old relationship of Calabria with fire and with fire, that has deeply marked the Calabrian people and its history. Some scholars trace the Calabrian dialect in fact the origin of this expression precisely the concerns of the Calabrian people to fires and the destruction and death that will ensue.
concern that ousted all, becoming the concern, the only possible, it became, and remain still the symbol of care for something that is going to happen. There is a Calabrian who, faced with something that does not worry him exclaim focu or even mine!
After years of "my focu" with such nonchalance is not right and there thanks to my roommates, I had the opportunity to travel within these words, a story, my land, the use of a language. I came across an interesting aspect of the dialects, namely their ability to condense into a single word throughout the world, to restore substance to intangible dimensions that call today. After so many years after my departure from Calabria, I realize that perhaps even before the clothes or any food that characterize migration Calabrian I have packed up their words, the expression of my land, as in the case of my focu are able to deliver a single word in the history of a people, its vicissitudes, its concerns and the many emotions he experiences. These expressions have crossed
dialect free time and charges have come down to us in their history. History that habit, we look carelessly at times, but still feel its weight and impact in the speeches we make them ready for this to be covered.
a moment it was enough to rediscover with fresh eyes the meaning of an expression of which I am a daily abuse.
Good reading!